The Brantford Daily Expositor from Brantford, Ontario, Canada (2024)

EA of The Brantford Daily Expositor. ESTABLISHED 1853. $3.00 PER ANNUM. BRANTFORD, ONTARIO, SATURDAY JULY 11, 1908. FOURTEEN PAGES SERIOUS CASE ON RESERVE Ezekiel Hill Arrested on a Very Serious Charge Laid by a Woman--The Particulars.

A most dastardly crime la alleged to have been on the reserve on Thursday morning and as a result Ezekiel Hill was yesterday morning taken to the county jail by Constable Garlow. who effected him arrest on a very serious charge. The charge 1N laid by. Mrx. Levi General, who states that Hill came to her home about 3 o'clock on Thursday morning, while her husband was away, and knocked at the door, threatening to shoot if not admitted Finding the door was not he stepped to the window and tore off the screen, after which he fired into the house.

Mrs. General WitS lighting the lamp and states that the shot passed close to her head She alleged that she recognized his voice and ran out of the house, carrying her baby. She states she was then seized by Hill, and forced to return to the house, where, after threats of shooting, he assaulted her. He then is to have threatened to shoot her it she did not keep the matter secret and left the the house. Mra.

General, accompanied by her children, walked to the house of her father and information was sent to the constable. It is expected that the defendant will waive examination and be committed for trial. The case will probably come up before the fall assizes. LAKE OF OIL IS ON FIRE Millions of Dollars Worth of Oil Destroyed--A Reign of Terror Prevails as a Result. CHICAGO.

Ill. July 11-A des patch to The Tribune from vico says: A Lake of oile covering an area of more than a square mile and of unknown depth 1 in the state of Vera Cruz is on fire. It has been burning for five days and has created the wildest terror among the natives of that section. The 1 seen for more than 200 miles at sea according to navigators who have arrived at Vera Cruz and Tampice. The scene of the fire is about 75 miles east of Tampico.

It is remote from any river. An oil field WatS being developed at that plaace by the Pennsylvania Oil which is composed of Pittsburg men. The company had bored a number of wells and all of these were flowing oil in large quantities. The product was placed in earthen age tanks prepatory to shipment. A careless workman accidentally set fire 10 OBO of the wells and the flames were communicated to the under.

ground reservoir of oil. A terific explosinn which uplifted the earth's surface throughout the entire field. The explosion Wa3 heard 75 miles distant The oil company lost $200.000 worth of machinery. and the oil which had been burned will total millions of bkarrels. The whole oil field was destroyed.

Wireless Telephone is Successful NEW YORK. July 11 One of the longest strides towards placing exper imental wireless telephony mercial basis was made voterdas when short messages were transmitted from Newark and received a the Singer Building in this city. a distance of twelve miles. A Frederick Collins, the inventor of the new wireless system, declared himself delighted with the experiments, which will be continued and widened in scope, For the tests of yesterday only one receiver and one transmitter were used. The transmitter was at Nowark and the receiver at the Singer building.

At intervals of 8 quarter hour short messages were sent over the wire, but under the circ*mstances answers could not be given. Attempts will he made shortly to develop the system by the use of kites flown at Congers, N. where Inventor Collins lives. The kites will support 1. wire, just as the Singer building THAT TRIP Details of Dufferin Rifles Quebec Journey Are Arranged.

Definite instructions have been ceived by the local officers, governing the trip of the two Dufferin Rifles' companies to Quebec, The two companies will be composed of about 8.. in all and will leave Brantford next Friday morning. 01 train yet to he arranged. The pantes will report at Toronto Auto at two o'clock and leave at 6 in the evening on a special train for Quebec. arriving there some time Saturday afternoon.

The train will be provided with sleepers and the travellers will' be very comfortable. The date for the return has not been fixed, but the regiment will probably be in Que bee about five or six days. The local companies are to be a part, of an eight company composite regiment. made up of a company each from Milton, Cayuga, Simeoe, Guelph. Woodstock, Sault Ste Marie, and salon.

Col. Moore of Toronto, will be In command of the composite compan of the composite regiment. Major Craig of Fergus, will be second in command: Capt. Ross, Woodstock. will he adjutant: Capt.

Ainslie, of Thessalon, quartermaster and Major Oxtaby of Brantford, sergeantmajor and Major Langrill. of Hamilton, physician Capt. Ward has been appointed quartermaster of the local companies, and is arranging for 80100 bill of fare extras for the men, the officers having provided a fund for that purpose, flowers one and an effort will be made to send messages in both direntions The Now York- Newark messages Sent three phosporbronze wires strung horizontally from the Collins laboratory at No 54 ton street, Newark, and a thin aluminum wire running vertically from the top of the flagstaff 01 the Singer building to an office on the twentyfifth floor. There the receiving instrument was easily "grounded" through the copper sheathing of the building. At the Now York end many electrical chocks were received that were believed to have come from wirels: telegraph instruments.

In spite these interferences the messages from Newark were easily distinguished. The transmitter and receiver are practically the same as those used on the commercial instruments, but instead of the low current required in ordinary use. an initial voltage of 500 "stepped up" to 5,009 in order to project the sound waves through space. POWER SITUATION Proposition to Have Hamilton Take Some of Brantford's Portion. 11 18 understood that one of the latest phases of the local power situation 1s proposition that some of Brantford's supply be allotted to Hamilton.

it was partly for enquiry along these lines that the local committee visited Hamilton this week. Brantford has been figured on as being able to take 1,500 horse- -power. It 19 found that this amount cannot be placed here the amount be reduced the outcome is in doubt. For this reason it was thought that some, possibly 500 horse -power, could be disposed of to Hamilton. It is understood.

however, that Hamilton already has all it PAD handle. At any rate some authorities hold tht such a course cannot be taken under the act. WILL APOLOGIZE Shah of Persia, will Make Apology to Great Britain. LONDON, July 11-The Times cOT respondent at Teheran says that two of the Shah's ministers to Morocco will go to the British Legation formally to apologize for the disrespect shown to the British flag during the recent trouble. The correspondent also says that the Shah has issued a fresh rescript.

promising to rule justly and to establish courts of justice. THE OLDEST MAN LIVING. If asked about this corns would say they didn't bother him because he always used Putnam's Corn Extractor. For fifty years has been the favorite because painless and sure. Use only "Putnam's." Kaiser Threatens to Tax Bachelors BERLIN, July 11 A recent speech of the Kaiser, in which he hinted that a tax may be imposed on all the bachelors in the Empire, has sent a distinct shudder of apprehension through the ranks of Germany's 5.000,000 unmarried men to-day.

They argue that the Kaiser was not given to joking in his speeches, and regard as very real the danger of their being called upon to bear a substantial shore of the $112,500.000 new taxes that the Imperial Government desires to levy. According to the census of 1900-the latest figures available- males over 20 were then treading the lonely Team Shooting Match at Bisley The Canadians Come Third in the International Team Competition--Did Very Well in the Later Stages of the Firing. BISLEY, July 11-With a lead of 10, points as the result of yesterday's shooting at the three shorter distances, the United States team when they went to the butts to start firing at the 800 yard range were looked upon as pretty certain winners of the International Team match, the cipal event in the rifle competitions held in connection with the Olympic games. The weather this morning continued unfavorable for good scores, the day being dull with a variable wind, the enemy of all riflemen. The Americans, however.

at 800 yards increased their lead to thirteen points, scoring 436, thus bringing their aggregate score for the four distances up to 1727. The English team maintained second place by scoring 433 making an aggregate of 1714. Canada, the third team on the list made 534. but the team lost 90 many points yesterday that their total for the four distances is only 1678. The official announcement of the re suit of the 300 inetre individual match.

shot yesterday. gives the gold medal to the 300 metro individual shot yesterday. gives the gold to match. Helgerud of Norway. vho scored 904.

the silver medal to Lieut. Semon of Ohio, with 866, and the bronze medal to Sather of Norway. with 879. The protest made by Gorman, AmerIvan, against a miss with which he was credited in the individual revolver contest has been disallowed. The gold, silver and bronze medals in this contest were to-day officially awarded respectively as follows: Van Aebrock.

Belgium. with 490. Storms, Belgium, with and Axt-ll, United States with 480. BISLEY, July 11 -It is thought geITcrally that the team contest will re' solve itself into a battle between the Americans and the Engishmen. For a time the Canadians threatened to upset these calculations.

Four of them made every shot a bull's eye, but three of these broke down with the last shot and Sergeant Smith alone got the highest possible. Three other Canad1a19, Capt. Crow. Private Williams and Corporal McInnes scored 74 each, but ther total was spoiled by Sergeant Kerr. who got 67.

None of the Americans made the sighest possible score, but six men scored 72, while Eastman got 71. This splendid shooting gave the Americans la total for this range of 436 out of a possible 450. The continental competitors are away behind. The American team increased its lead still further at the 900 yard range, scoring 405 for this distance while England made out 339 and Canada 385. The aggregates now are: United States, 2.132; England and Canada, 2,072.

Denver Convention Brought to a Close John W. Kern of Indiana is Nominated for the Mitchell Would Not Allow His Name in Nomination. DENVER, July The Demo cratic national convention concluded its labors late yesterday afternoon by the nomination of John Worth Kern, of Indiana, for president, comple. ting the ticket William Jen vice nings Bryan was made the nominee for president during the early hours of this morning. The nomination of Kern was made.

by acclamation and the resounding cheers of delegates and spectators. No in motion toward the nomination of Kern for second place. On the call of states, Indiana presented the name of Kern; Colorada, through Former Governor Thomas placed in nomination ('has. A. Towne, of New York: Con-.

necticut presented Archibald McNeil, and Georgia. Clarke Howell. The names of Judge George Gray, of Delaware, and of John Mitchell, of Illinois, were not presented owing to the explicit requests of these gentlemen WILLIAM JENNINGS BRYAN first candidate to recognize the decis: live nature of the Kern movement, and in a ringing speech he withdrew his name from consideration and pledged his support 10 the ticket of Bryan and Kern. Withdrawals quickly followed from the supporters of Howell, of Georgia, and of MeNiel, of Connecti cut. leaving the Indiana candidate alone in the field.

The withdrawal of the Connecticut candidate was accompanied by a mo- 1860- Born, Salem, Ill, March 19. 1881. Graduated, Illinois College, Jacksonville, as valedictorian. 1883 -Graduated, Union College of Law, Chicago, and began practice of law at Jacksonville, Ill. 1884-Married Mary E.

Baird at Perry, Oct. I. 1887 Opened law office in Lincoln, Neb. 1891-Elected to Congress from First Nebraska District. 1894 -Nominated in Democratic Convention for United States Senator, but defeated.

1895- Became ed editor of the Omaha World-Herald. 1896-Delegate to Democratic National Convention, wrote silver plank, made notable speech and was nominated for President; in election, received 176 electoral votes against 271 for McKinley. 1897 Began career as public lecturer, which he has since continued, and through which he has amassed a fortune. 1808 Raised regiment of volunteer infantry for war against Spain, becoming its colonel. 1900- Again became Democratic nominee for President, on platform of anti-imperialism; received 155 electoral votes against 292 for McKinley 1901 Established weekly political periodical and identified himself with Chautauqua platform work.

1906-Made extensive four of the world. 1908 -Nominated by the Democratic National convention in Denver as candidate for President. ballot was necessary, as the tide of and to have their sentiment had so irresistibly toward convention. the Indiana candidate. state after By before that the nomination of Kern be names gO made by acclamation.

The motion was carried with a deafening shout. Acclamation. registering their delegations in his fa For time it looked as though a a vor and all other candidates withdrawing before the universal demand ballot would be required. but the LONDON. for his nomination.

steady line of states which joined in ball of the The convention, after adjourning at seconding Kern's nomination made, Buckingham daylight with the nominations of Mr. it apparent that the chances of all liant affair. Bryan, resumed its session at 1 p.m.. other candidates had been extinguish- of the royal with a powerful undercurrent already ed. Mr.

Towne in person was the less of Albany THE ENLARGEMENT OF THREE CANADIAN PROVINGES. Last State Ball. July 11. The last state season held last night in Palace was a very britEvery available member family except the Duchwas present. ATLANTIC HUDSON BAY OCEAN QUEBEC WAN ANNEX KATCHE 1 JAME ANNEX 0 SHADED PORTIONS ADD INDICATE TO TERRITORIES PROVINCES MORON TO STATE 5 OCEAN STATES 0 UNITED 'ATLANTIC At present British Columbia is the largest of the nine Canadian Provin- N.

W. TERRITORIES ces. When the boundary extension proposed yesterday by Sir Wilfrid Laurier is effective, Quebec will be nearly twice A.R inrge as the next largest province, It is easily the POWER EXPERT'S REPORT Favors Hamilton Accepting the Cataract Offer Fixes the Price for Power. HAMILTON. July 11- -The specialting.

committee of the City Council appoint ed to deal with the power question held a conference last night. with Mr. Abkbot. the Cleveland expert. appoint led to advise the aldermen in preparing a contract.

The report was very fat vorable to the acceptance of the offer of the Cataract Power Company and a sub committee was appointed to art with Mr. Abbot and the City Solicitor in preparing a contract with the Cataract Company on the terms of the company's offer. According to Mr. Abbot's report, a reasonable price: for power in Hamilton is $16 per 11 L. while $40.09 he considered to he a fair price per are lamp for street light- and those will probably be the figures included in the contract, which will also provide that the rates for power for commercial use and house lighting shall be 75 cents, instead of $1.00 a month, as at present.

Mr. Abbot estimated that if the city went into the power business on its own account without bothering with other municipalities. it could bring power from the Falls for $22.08 per horsepower The Hydro Electric Commission estimated that with other cipalities in. the cost would be $17.50. A motion to have the expert report on the cost of house lighting, providing civic plant was installed, was voted down.

VESSELS NAVIGATE CANAL One Steamer Passes Up and Down the Cornwall Waterway--Fleets Above and Below. CORNWALL, July 11. The Cornwall Canal WItS opened for general navigation some time last night. The R. and Navigation Company's liner Rapids King passed up this morning, and the Dandurn.

drawing tr'1 feet. passed down at 10 a.m. No other craft has passed as yet. but the passenger steamers Alexandria, City of Ottawa, and Brockville hope to got up to- -night. The new channel has been dug down to 14 feet except a strip.

on which the dredges are now hard at work. Rig deets of steamers and barges are waiting above and below. and to- morrow promises to be the busiest day 111 the history of the canal Mr. Weller is heartily congratulated upon the result of his efforts to rethe canal In two weeks and three days. a huge dyke 580 feet long has been built, and a new canal dug around this.

So far over $15,000 has been paid out for labor on the job. The New York Central intends erecting a huge wood trestle across the old with swing hridge across the new lent An old bridge taken from another part of the system will be used temThe company hope to have the and bridge in shape in four five Weeks. A Falling Off in the Hop Industry do fond largest now. having ninety thousand square miles more than has Ontario. It is proposed to enlarge it by adding Ungava, with Its 354.961 square miles, more than doubling the size the province, and giving it an area of over 705,000 square miles, compared with British Columbia's 372,000.

Ontario 19 be enlarged by about 90. LONDON. July. The select 50 potent 8 factor in the cause of committee recently appointed by the depression as to demand exceptional treatment The committee does not House of Commons to consider means favor the levying of a duty on hops for rehabilating the hop industry is or other measures to restrict the sued a report last night. It savs that portation, but it recommends the in view of the fact that the importa plication, 28 far ax possible the tion of foreign hops during the last laws relating to the marking of hops of thirty years has shown a tendency to to foreigh products and that the use ward cecline, the committed dos substitutes be probibited by Parlianot consider that foreign competition To Investigate Naval Conditions NEW YORK, July 11 Under orders from the British Government.

Capt Horace Hood, Royal Navy, will sail to-day on the royal mail steamer Orinto South America, where he will inspect naval conditions. Capt Hood is the naval attacho of the British embassy in Washington and he denies that his mission has any diplomatic object. Capt. Hood said yesterday FRANCO-CAN. TREATY Can Hardly Pass French Senate This Session.

PARIS, July 11 The customs commission 1 heard M. Ruau, Minister Agrieniture, on the 'a convention yesterday. The Minister announced that an agricultural point might be adopted without dam. aging national production He bromised to provide the Commission with certain statistical documents, dealing with the agricultural produce of Canada. Under the circ*mstances it is likely that the convention can be discussed by the Senate before the end of the session.

Bishop of Wilmington Dead. BALTIMORE Right Rev. Alfred Curtis. Roman Catholic Bishop of Wilmington, Del, died here at 8.45 a.m. BARGAINS GALORE.

BARGAINS GALORE. At Coles Shoe Goods marked at prices we would have said imposs ible a month ago. See advertisem*nt Coles Shoe 122 Colborne street. THREE MONTHS LEFT. To wear oxfords, and we are clear ing our stock of summer shoes out at cost.

Come and see for yourself. advertisem*nt. Coles' Shoe 122 Colborne street. SHOE SALE. SHOE SALE.

All summer goods haave got. to go. We don't want to carry a pair over and we won't have to, at the prices we are quoting. See advertisem*nt. Coles Shoe 122 Colborne street.

DON'T FORGET. To have a look at the bargains in Coles Shoe window. They speak for themselves. "The three great warships building for Brazil have nothing to do with my trip although this is the first mission of sort since I shall be in Brazil, Chile and Ecuador for tie months, all told, and 1 then I shall report to London.

I knew months ago that I should go to study the conditions of the South American and the purpose of the trip is entirely departmental." THE PRINCE Will Arrive at Quebec on Wednesday, July 22-- Quebec all Bustle. 41 July 11 The official Royal Highness the Prince Wales wul tike place at 4 o'clock the Wednesday, July 22, Rosal Highness will have rethe -general and other datingur bed callers, whose names are published later. The Prince will sail at daylight on the 29th Inst, taking leave on the night. H. has graciously announced his ntion of placing a weath upon the and one upon the monunt of "Aux Braxes" on Friday, the 24th July, day of dedication of battleafter the review.

Preparations for the coming celebration are everywhere, All the apparent public buildings are dotted with workengaged 11 the pipetrie wiring for the illuminations a well as other decrations of every Imaginable character. Two thousand soldiers have already tarrived. principally from the Maritime and are now in camp close the Plains of Abraham, where they wali remain until after the colebration. The military men will now be arrivdaily. fifteen thousand in Ing all are coming.

The majority will camp at Little River, close to the point where Jacques Cartier first landed. 6 000 square miles, making the total 350.000 square miles, and Manitoba by about one hundred thousand square miles, making total 175,000. Manlitoba, therefore, will have its area. ento larged about one and one-half times. Ontario and Manitoba are to be enlarged by the division of what has been known a8 Keewatin Territory, Battalion Rand, Hamilton, will 13th dispense sweet music all day on July at the Grocers' and Butchers' picNiagara Falls.

Everybody come and enjoy yourself. Roosevelt is to Get $1 a Word NEW YORK, July gross saales, and is probably ax high paths of single blessedness, while there were 5.023.136 single women of over 18. Reckoning 20 years as the average age when Germans begin to think of matrimony. the unmarried element in the Fatherland on Dec. 1, 1900, represented 15.31 per cent.

of the population. A section of the pess treats the Kaisers' hint seriously, intimating--in German idiom--that "when the devil is hungry he eats flies." But the press disapproves of the idea as unfair class legislation. One journal suggests that if such a tax is imposed the inevitable complement would be imposition of an equally heavy tax on fortunehunters, Charles Scribner's sons will pay Pres. ident Roosevelt for his account of his hunting trip through the African jungle is the highest ever given to an author for aa work of similar length. Not only will the President receive a lump sum of between $60,000 and $73,000 for the serial privileges, but he will also get a high royalty on the book into which the magazine articles will be incorporated.

It was learned on a good authority that this royalty is not lower than 26. per cent, on 28 30 cont The 'contract for Scribner's was cured by Robert Bridges of that firm. Fie dined with the President last Tuesday aand put the offer of his house before him. The price paid 18 nearly $1 a word for the magazine privileges alone. The publishers expect that at least 200.000 copies of the articles in book form will be disposed of.

As these are to be sold at about $2 a volume, the President will secure an additional $1 a word. This is the record rate. Kipling caused considerable comment when he demanded twenty five conte a word for his stories,.

The Brantford Daily Expositor from Brantford, Ontario, Canada (2024)


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